Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast

Safety, Compliance, and Insurance in the Trucking Industry

John Farquhar & Chris Harris Season 2 Episode 40

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If you have any questions, please reach out to Wendy:

John and I hope to see you there. 

John Farquhar
Summit Risk Solutions:
1 226 802-2762

Chris Harris
Safety Dawg Inc:
1 905 973 7056

Keeping it Safety Dawg Simple!
#trucksafety #truckinsurance #truckpodcast

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Hey, welcome to the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast. This is going to be an exciting episode. Today we have the. The only, the infamous, the famous, the just beautiful Wendy Pat of ISB Global Services with us today. Um, she's gonna talk about an event that's coming up called Biz and Breakfast. I have no idea what biz and breakfast is about unless it's tasty and edible. We're gonna be fine. So let's get into today's episode with my co-host Chris Harris. Yay. Welcome. When. Gosh, it's so good to see you, Wendy. Look at, you're looking so shiny and bright and wonderful and you know, are you still as bossy as you,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

You are always? Yes. Yep. Good.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Okay, then nothing changes. We're

Wendy Patton, ISB:

all but somebody has to keep you two in line. And if it's me, then I'll, I'll bear that brunt. Yep. All right.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Okay. Good deal. Well, good luck to you. We'll see how you make out. Wendy Patton, ISB: Oh, Thank you very much.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Don't forget, I have the mute button on my side. So , we might need it during today's episode. You might. And breakfast, I gotta say it right? Mm-hmm.. Cause I get ridiculed at home for saying breakfast. Breakfast, Okay. Uh, Biz and breakfast. As in break fast . Yep. What's this all about?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

So the bis and breakfast is a, is uh, an event we started about, uh, five years ago. And, uh, when we first started we had maybe about 20 people attend, and then the next year it grew. To about 40. Then the following year we had about a hundred, and then we started bringing in sponsors and it was a very packed morning. We figured having it in the morning from seven 30 till one, that still gives people time to get back to their office and. Do any last minute things they need to do. So the biz and breakfast this year is, um, about safety, compliance in the insurance and trucking industry. We're gonna be talking about, um, how to use technology to onboard your drivers. We're gonna be talking about compliance within the trucking industry through your insurance broker, making sure that. Compliant with all the requirements that your insurance broker is asking of you, making sure you're doing criminal checks, um, abstract C and most importantly, PSP's on your drivers. So, um, we're gonna be having, um, lots of guests, we're having a special guest, um, coming up, so watch for that. I'm not, Tell you who it is, you gotta come and find out. Oh, it's, um, gonna be very exciting. So they're gonna be coming and giving some information on, on the trucking industry and, um, it's gonna be very good. We've, um, we're gonna have, um, uh, panels, uh, talking about technology, um, use, uh, for enhancing your safety compliance. Um, Marilyn server from 10th Street who. ISB and 10th Street are now partners here in Canada. Um, she's gonna be moderating a panel with John Harrison from Trans Rep Leanne Drummond from CPC Logistics and John Van Geese from Seaport Intermodal. And, uh, then we're gonna be, um, having another panel talking about nuclear verdict and how we get there through a roadmap of, of a claim. And, uh, Lisa Arseneau, uh, Stabler Insurance will be the moderator and, uh, Brian Schneider from Challenger. Kendra Emmett from Northbridge, and Heather Divine from Alexander Holburn, uh, will be on the panel, so that's gonna be very exciting.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Let's go before we talk about nuclear verdicts, which John and I like, I mean, for those who are watching and listening to this, uh, maybe they can now see why Wendy's on, because it's all about safety and compliance at the biz and brick. Um, absolutely. So. This is why John was smart enough to say, Wendy, why didn't you come on the show and come on. Gotta give kudos to my cohost there,. Wendy Patton, ISB: Exactly. Exactly. Well, um, to me it's very important to ensure that that's your advertising going up and down the highway. Mm-hmm., you want to ensure that the driver behind that wheel is compliant. Should be behind the wheel and has all the training and tools needed to be able to drive that tractor trailer up and down the highway safely. Because you, me, and all our family is on that highway and we wanna ensure that they know what they're doing. Very much so. And. Some drivers, I have to say most of the drivers are really good and they do know what they're doing out there. And most of the companies are also good. And the majority of the time they would be defendable in court. But there are some of those drivers who would not meet that description. And unfortunately there are some companies, um, and I think this is where the biz and breakfast is really important. It's not because they, um, don't want to comply, it's because they don't know about everything that it takes to comply. Mm-hmm.. Wendy Patton, ISB: Exactly. And some of the smaller carriers. Let's be honest, they don't have the where for all to be paying for all these things for a driver that may come in the door and be there a month or two months and then they leave. So we also have a platform where the um, applicant can pay for their own background check, their own cvr, their own psp, their own abstract. They also get the information along with the recruiter that that applicant is applying to. So that way that takes the burden off the company having to pay for a product that where a driver may only stay a couple of months. So then the drivers got that information for themselves, and then the recruiter also has it. So that removes the room for. Sure. Which is rampant in the industry today. Unless you, even if you're a skilled recruiter, you are not gonna be able to tell if an abstract, if psp cvr or criminal check have been doctored. You just aren't, aren't able to do that. Yeah. No. Let me ask, uh, Johnny a question here, John. Um, when with your, your customers, uh, how often, or sorry, do you recommend that your customer pull an abstract after hiring? And if so, is there a timeframe?

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Uh, yeah. Um, usually, uh, well, I've actually got a number of them who've gotten smart because of the, what, uh, Wendy's talking about with fraudulent documents. A lot of them are like, the driver will come in with their own package, usually as a rule. Uh, but as part of that final decision, they're pulling an abstract, uh, and, uh, criminal search, psps and whatnot before handing the driver the keys to the.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Absolutely. And, and a lot of people don't realize how important a PSP is. Uh, they, they think, Well, we don't go to the us so we don't need it. No. Because you don't know if that driver, they may tell you, We don't have US experience. Yeah. But at the end of the day, they have been in the US So the PSP is, in my opinion, even more important than, um, a c and an abstract, because that's telling you stuff that the driver's not gonna tell.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Cause well, the, you know what, any good driver that wants to hide something is gonna know how to do it.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Absolutely. Absolutely. So when the, the driver is, and that's what the bis and breakfast is, is going to, um, promote two carriers and insurance companies, is that you need to be performing these doc these, uh, steps when you're onboarding a driver so that you understand that this driver is who they say they. Because a lot of times drivers try to cut corners and don't want to comply. So this way, even if they have to pay for the, it also ensures that they're gonna show up for work. Right? Cause a lot of companies, they interview, they, they give an offer, they run the checks on the driver, and then they don't show up. Mm-hmm.? Mm-hmm.. So then the company is out that money as well. So having the driver pay for it too also gives the onus and the responsibility on that driver. They've already invested some money, so they're gonna show up for work.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Good idea. Perhaps a carrier might even say, Hey, on the first paycheck I'll reimburse you. But that

Wendy Patton, ISB:

way some, some carriers do do that because they want that incentive, but they also want to ensure that the driver shows up for work. So right up to your point, Chris, they, they could offer that after you've been with us six months here, you get your criminal check or your abstract back, whatever product that you order. That's something that they could do. Yes, sure. Yeah. Cool. The, um, the other, uh, person, uh, that's gonna be speaking is Gina Sui, uh, from West Hill Innovation. She's gonna be talking about solar energy, which is very, very, uh, popular today. So we're gonna be hearing some tips and Turks and some information from her as well. Cool. So that, that'll be very interest.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Yeah. I mean, John knows I drive a, an electric car. Mm-hmm., I don't know whether you do Wendy, but so solar power is something that, um, I'm really interested in because one, I would love to have it at my house. Uh, and then I could power my car and drive it virtually on sunlight. That would be really cool., but I don't know enough about it. And the last time I looked at it, it's still rather expensive. And I know Gina's not talking about solar for homes. She's talking about solar for transport, but

Wendy Patton, ISB:

exactly for transport. And, and they, they, they deal a lot with golf carts for the, uh, for the golfing industry. Let's face it, the carts are outside all day. What's the best way to get them charged is through that. Yeah. So you don't have a, you don't have a plug in your house, John, uh, Chris, to charge your car? Oh,

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

I do. I have a plug in my garage that I charge my car, but, It's coming from the electrical grid, so I have to pay.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

You wanna put a solar panel? Well, she may be able to talk to you and and guide you as to who to reach out to. Maybe it's even them. I don't

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

know. I know. And one of the things about West Hill that I found interesting because I'm old and well, not you, Chris. Not you. No, no.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Hey, I'm older than the both of you. Cut it out about how old you are.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

I'm not sure you are Wendy, but we won't get into that. Um, I was looking at West Hills website and they also do, as you said, golf cards, but they're also used in retirement communities, which I thought, Hey, that's really cool because if I can buy the golf cart power, power it with sunlight, that's economical. You can write that around your neighborhood, right? That's right. Go get your groceries. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I mean, now I'm just kinda wondering here, Chris, if you were to strap a solar panel to your car, Oh, I thought you were gonna say my head. No, no, no. I You're gonna be in the car, so, but I'm thinking the solar panel. Would be probably about 40 feet long, you know, by about 10 feet wide. Strapp it to the top of your car. Could you not have a flying Tesla then? Yeah, perhaps. Let's get back to Biz and. Wendy Patton, ISB: Strap it to his

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Where they go. Look at that. Yeah. A flying senior

Wendy Patton, ISB:

flying senior.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

For those of you who haven't been watching, uh, flying cars are becoming very popular at the moment. Germany's got several out anyways.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yeah, we're back in the Jetsons age. Yeah,

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

exactly. Upstairs. I have a rosy, by the way, my wife's. My wife's business, her receptionist is Rosa. Oh. So we call her Rosie from time to time. Ah,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

oh, there you

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

go. The biz and breakfast. So we've got three major components, or is there a fourth that I

Wendy Patton, ISB:

have? Well, there's a fourth, but it's, it's gonna be a surprise. So if you wanna see and hear about the surprise. Yeah. Gotta come to the biz And breakfast. Um, it's, uh, $25, uh, to attend. Um, you're gonna get a nice breakfast. Jam packed morning full of information and you never know, you might come away with a prize or a two cuz we're gonna be offering prizes as well to people that to attend. Oh,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

there you, How much did you say? Pardon? How much did you say to attend this event?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

$25.$25. And you get breakfast? And you do, you get breakfast, 25

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

bucks, you get breakfast, you get to network with folks you know, and people you don't know. Maybe you get some need, some new people, and you get to listen to some innovative conversation for 25.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Can't go for, and you get to be with me for the morning. Oh, oh my

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

geez, that's, that's worth more than 25 bucks. Holy god. I say that

Wendy Patton, ISB:

too. Yes,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

absolutely. Oh, now you haven't said the date yet.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Okay. So the date is gonna be October 27th, um, and that's a Thursday. And um, it's going to be at the, uh, Royal Ontario Golf Course.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Ooh. On Trafalgar Road.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

In on Trafalgar Road. Yep. And it's, uh, starts at seven 30 to eight 30, is going to be breakfast and registration. And then, um, nine, around nine 15. Um, we're gonna be starting the, the speaking.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Okay, so the first topic again, is all

Wendy Patton, ISB:

about what the first topic, again is going to be talking. Well, first of all, Michael Thompson is gonna give a bit of an introduction. Okay. Well to um,

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

stop there. Who's Michael Thompson? I mean, I know Michael

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Thompson, but is, um, the General Path ceo? No, he's not. Well, he used to be the CEO of isb and that, um, now has been taken over by Han Koran. Um, Michael, uh, takes care of all our, um, all our IT technology now moving forward. So he's gonna be talking about using technology to hire the right people.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Okay, Cool. Thank.. Yeah. And topic number. So that, that's kind of the introduction, and then we get into

Wendy Patton, ISB:

introduction, and then the next, then the next panel is gonna be on technology to improve and enhance safety and compliance.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Ooh. And hence why you're on the show. Mm-hmm., because John and I are all about safety and compliance. Yep, yep,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

yep. Well, that's, You need to have that, like I said, because that's the backbone of your business. your safety and compliance. If you don't have that, then your, your, your business isn't gonna be successful. Mm-hmm.. Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1: Right? And then you're moving into Kama Nuclear verdicts with Lisa Arsenal and a panel. Exactly. For our listeners, a nuclear verdict is loosely defined as any verdict of 10 million or more. Yeah, that's generally what they call a nuclear verdict, so mm-hmm. and Lisa is talking about what, how to get into it or how to avoid it. Um, so nuclear verdict on how, how we get there and a roadmap of a claim.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Ooh. Did Wendy, did you say, I know John and I have discussed this claim that was happened down in Florida. Did you happen to see the 999 million settle., almost a billion settlement in Florida and involved a Quebec company as, mm-hmm. as an aside. Um, did you see that one? I didn't years ago? Oh yeah. No. Yeah. John and I have discussed it a number of times. Yeah. Basically, a truck driver, uh, was on a cell phone. Mm-hmm. distracted, plowed into a bunch of cars to the young man. Oh dear. That wasn't a pretty one. Yeah, but a billion dollar settlement. Wow.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

That's crazy.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Talk about nuclear

Wendy Patton, ISB:

verdicts. Yes, exactly. Exactly.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

And John and I have talked about the one in California before this billion dollar one. The one in California was the largest I'd seen, and I think if I remember, was 355 million Settle. Uh, Wow. Yeah, a horrific crash as well. And that's usually what, these are just devastating loss of life events that are. Unjustifiable.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Mm-hmm.. Exactly. Exactly like Humboldt. Right? Same, Same concept. Totally

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

preventable. Totally preventable. No need to have, So yeah, Humboldt is,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

and that's why it's so important when you're onboarding your drivers to do the due diligence, to do proper. Training that is so important. And we also have a product called Trans Click, and it's a survey that the drivers can take and it will give you an idea of what kind of driver they are. Are they good for long haul, short haul? Should they be behind the wheel at all? Um, the other, the other good tip it gives you as well is it has, um, um, tips for the trainer. So when the driver gets in behind the wheel, Trainers got all this information in their hands. They'll be able to see where the driver has strength and where the driver has weaknesses. They can go over the strengths, of course, but really emphasize on the weaknesses, so that will get that driver on the road that much quicker because the instructor knows where their weaknesses are for that.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Yeah, and I think that's hugely important and a lot of companies have started to use this type of testing because of the advantages it gives. Oh, huge, Huge. Behavioral analysis is awesome. Yeah,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. Yeah, it's,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

it. Gives huge insight into the driver and as you say, the weaknesses, and it gives the opportunity for a trainer to emphasize the strengths of that driver and to work on enhancing the areas of concern or areas that could be potentially improved to make the driver that much better again.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Yeah. Cool. So cool. Let's, Awesome. So that was topic number two. Mm-hmm., what was the third one? And then we got the super duper surprise one.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yep. Then we're going to be, um, talking with Gina Sui, uh, from West Hill Innovations on solar energy.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Cool. And that's cool. So I, I'm really excited about all three of those actually because Yep. Uh, safety and compliance. Go ahead Johnny. I think I knew who the special guest is gonna.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Who do you think it's gonna

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

be? So, So if it was December, it would be Santa Claus. So it's, if

Wendy Patton, ISB:

not Santa Claus', December. It's not Santa Claus. Yeah. So it's October. Unless for having Christmas in October.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Nope, nope, nope. So be as It's October and it's right near the end of the month. I'm Betten Jack Lantern is going to make a surprise visit.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Oh, it could be. Yes, it could be. So you have to come here. You know I'm pretty smart. If, if you're dressed up in a Halloween costume, you might even get a special prize. Oh.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Oh. Now we're here. You know what? I was gonna come to that event. I'd love to, but I'm already booked that day. I'm going to an event by ISB Global,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

so, Exactly. Well, you're going to got it on my calendar. Good men. Good men. Well, we, we really appreciate your support and the support of all the trucking carriers and the insurance carrier, uh, the insurance, um, industry that is, uh, sponsoring and, and promoting the, the event. It's gonna be an awesome morning for sure. Should be good.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

And for 25 bucks I get breakfast.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

You do? And you get to be with me. How much better of a day is that? Then you have, you leave there, you go out and buy a lottery ticket because it's your lucky day breakfast at Wendy Patton all in one day. Who gets

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

that? That's worth at least 500 bucks. At least 500 bucks. And we're getting there for $25.. Wendy Patton, ISB: Exactly. I I'm just being left speechless here because I don't wanna say anything that I have to cut out later. Oh, well don't Frank Chris cuz you know, I, I'm used to digging holes that I gotta get myself outta later anyway, and I'm usually

Wendy Patton, ISB:

the one. Drag them out of the hole. So it's all good.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Exactly, exactly. So he's gonna do the heavy lifting That's great. How would somebody register for this event?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

So somebody can send me an email at and I would be happy to send them a link and they can click on the link and. Well, the

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

link's gonna be in the show notes below. Okay. Your email's going to be in the show notes below. We gotta make it easier for people. Yeah, exactly

Wendy Patton, ISB:

right. So they can just click on the link and away they go. You know,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

it'd be, you know, it'd be really cool. Chris, what's that is if, is, if in the show notes below, we could import her picture. You click on her picture and it takes you to the registration tap. That would be cool. That would be, But that you can't do. Ah, darn it. So we just gotta, we just gotta click on the link that. Register here, get exactly. YouTube has some restrictions as to what you can put in the show notes, and I'm not aware, and maybe you can, I'm not aware that you can put a photograph in the show notes. Yeah, we could do a smiley face icon, you know, emoji that looks like Wendy. Let's just simple for Chris, because Chris is the one that's gotta do this stuff. We'll have register here or something. Identify. There you go. Good deal. Well,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

for the best morning of your life. Exactly. I was gonna say

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

for 25 bucks, you can't go wrong. You should be here just for the information alone that you're gonna get, so,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Exactly, exactly.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

That is. And we're, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be there. Chris is gonna be there. We're we're You are. Come feel free to come sit with us at the table. We will. Uh, we'll, uh, we'll,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

we'll eat your breakfast. Yeah, that's great. Kim Richardson will be there too. Everybody knows Kim Richardson. We've had him on this. Yep. It's all good. Marilyn Server from 10th Street, she's awesome. She and Lisa Aen. Everybody knows Lisa Aen. She's, you know, she's the backbone of the, of the trucking industry on the insurance side of the house. So it's gonna be a great day. And, uh, s a o is, uh, is gonna be a platinum sponsor. Um, so that'll be good for any, any of the schools that belong to T C S A O. Uh, they're, um, you know, more than welcome to to attend and, and learn more. Um, Aviva is a sponsor as well. Aviva Northbridge Insurance, Naval Lend Care. So we've got some very good sponsors coming up. Good, good. Awesome. And Bruce Outreach is gonna be there, uh, doing the video and, and taking pictures. So it's, it's gonna be a great, it's gonna be a great.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

We can give a shout out to Bruce as well. The lead pedal radio show, I think is what he calls it now. Lead radio. Yep. So my buddy Bruce, and uh, so with that, The link is in the show notes. Below it is October the 27th, starting at seven 30 in the morning.$25 you can have the best morning of your life. Mm-hmm.? Mm-hmm. by having breakfast with Wendy Pat.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Absolutely. And it's gonna be at the Royal Ontario Golf Club at 63 78 Trafalgar Road in Milton. Very easy to get to. Um, and it's a lovely facility. We were just there for the Pmtc golf tournament on Tuesday and it was, You were beautiful. Wow. A golf course. I remember running into YouTube , literally,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

and it didn't rain on the golf course.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

I know. Well, it rained about maybe 10 minutes, but not too hard. And you know, we had our umbrellas. So it was, and then it got very warm after, so it was awesome. Cool. Yeah, it was a great, it was a great morning.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

The PTC knows how to do a golf tournament, that's for sure. Private Motor Truck Council.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

They do. Yes. And, and Mike Million, um, is, is awesome. Him and Annette, they do, they do a great event. They're also, uh, gonna be, um, attending the event as well. So

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Biz and breakfast, October the 27th, seven 30 in the morning. Royal, uh, Ontario Golf course on tra. Yep. And the link to register is in the show notes down below. Get ahold of Wendy and for $25 you can have the Best Morning of life by having breakfast with Wendy Patton.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Exactly. And not, I mean, not everybody gets that opportunity, so if you want it, jump on the Bend wagon while you can, because Yeah. Tickets are going fast. So cool.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Yep. Beautiful. Yeah, I was gonna say, there's only about three weeks away here, we're running

Wendy Patton, ISB:

out of. Yep, it is. That's why having, being on your show and, and being able to, uh, you know, uh, talk about the event that's gonna get the word out there and, and lots of people are gonna be interested cuz your show's a hit. I hear people talking about it all the time. Cool.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Well, good. Who, who is that person? I

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Glen Caldwell.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Yeah. There you go. Glen Caldwell. Yes. Glen, Yes. One of our viewers,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Caldwell and Kim Richardson are the two people that watch you.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Uh, with that, Wendy, thanks so much for taking the time to come on

Wendy Patton, ISB:

the Oh, thanks gentlemen. It's been a, it's been a pleasure.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Yeah, the, I almost said the lead pedal radio, but this is the trucking risk and insurance podcast.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yes. It's, it's awesome to be, to be on with you too. I mean, you guys are, are, are the backbone of the, of the trucking industry as well. So, uh, thank you for everything that you do and, and spreading the word about the biz and breakfast and, and, uh, compliance, uh, across the board. It's awesome.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

So, so thanks for joining us here with Wendy Patton, my co-host Chris Harris and myself, John Fark here, uh, on the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast. So make sure you get down in the notes below, click the link, get registered for Biz and Breakfast by ISB Global, Great opportunity, great networking event. And you know what? If you don't show up, you're missing out on the best morning of your life.

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